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Use Photos And Videos To Power Your E-Commerce Business's Growth.

Updated: May 18, 2023

Today's e-commerce landscape is full of direct-to-consumer brands that have gained significant traction through the use of stunning visual content. Using visuals to drive purchases isn't new, but in years past, it was something only big brands could really do well. The low barrier to entry enabled by technology has allowed entrepreneurs with great ideas to grow their businesses into household names—all while leveraging compelling imagery along the way.

Video has become an increasingly important part of

e-commerce, as more and more brands are leveraging its power to reach consumers.

Make It Actionable

Creating engaging product photos and videos should be a priority for every business. At this stage, your users are still very engaged with the shopping process which means they take action before making a purchase. Use your visuals to show how the product can be used, whether it’s a piece of clothing being modeled or a face moisturizer in use.

Incorporate User-Generated Content

User-generated content is some of the most powerful marketing you can do. This type of content is created by your customers and often does a better job of selling your product than anything you could produce yourself. Make it easy for them to share photos and videos of themselves using your products on social media with tools like hashtags and contests.

The Emotional Value Of Imagery

65% of the population is visual learners, meaning they prefer to absorb content that illustrates a message clearly and with a minimal amount of text. The same proportion of users prefer image-heavy emails, as opposed to 35% who prefer mostly text. When companies use more exciting images in their marketing materials, they get up to 94% more views than their counterparts.

Nearly all brands have committed a significant portion of their marketing budget to social media, but taking a quick scroll through Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, you’ll see that it’s a graveyard of so-called engagement. Building trust with your audience starts with a good first impression, so show off a little! The first thing they will see is an image, so make it one that entices them to click through and reveal the rest of the story.

Use Video Effectively

Make sure you’re allocating your resources in the best way possible by focusing on creating high-quality content that matches your brand’s voice and will resonate with your intended audience. Video has become an incredibly important marketing tool, and for good reason. It’s an engaging format that can be used to tell stories, deliver messages, educate audiences, and more.

By following these tips, you can use video effectively to reach your business goals and connect with your target audience. For more information on using video for business, contact us today.

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